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How Computer Works (Intro with Bill)


Many question have been asked about how Computers Work, with, we going have the answer about the following
1. What Makes a Computer, a Computer?
2. Binary & Data
3. Circuits and Logic.
4. CPU, Memory, Input & Output.
5. Hardware and Software

What makes a computer a computer ( May-Li Khoe & Nat)


Tools can help us to solve any problem, we used to use hammer or any other tools. But with the computers it’s different
Computers were made by wood and metal at the first time of its creation, later then it was made by Electrical Components. Also it started to as a base calculator, only dealing with numbers. But nowadays, we can everything.
To Design a thinking machine, the pioneer of computer science explored the following four Tasks
Take Input
Store information
process it
Output of the Input
Input means where we can talk to our computers using Mouse, Keyboard, Cameras, Microphone or even sending signals to the computers.
Storing and processing actually it is a combine job, they stick together. First, we store all the data that comes from the input and then it starts to process it, by using the algorathim which is a series of commands, then it send back to memory.
Output is the final stage where we can see the results on our screens.

Binary & Data (Limor Fried & Federico)


Ones and Zeros do play a huge role in how computers work on the inside, even though that almost nobody actually deals with them directly
All the information in the computers are carried with electric wires and circuits.
One wire can represent Ones and Zeros, True or False or on or off and it is called a bit.
bit is the smallest piece of informationa computer can store
In the Binary, each position carry a value times 2.
Text, Images and sounds can be presented by numbers
Images are made out of teeny dots called Pixels, each pixels has a color that can be represented by numbers.

Circuits and Logic (Limor Fried & Nat)


Every Input or output is effectively a type of information can be presented by electrical signals.
The Signal that goes in is not the same as the singal that comes out and so, we call this circut not
Complicated Circuits take Multiple Signals
Using the logical Gates And / Or.

CPU, Memory, Input & Output (Madison Maxey & Danielle)


How the inptus travel through computers
Pressing a key on the keyboard converts the letter to a number.
Starting from there, the CPU Calculates how to display letter B, Pixels by Pixel.
The memory will send a step by step a drawing to know how to draw the letter B.
CPU runs these instruction and store them as a pixels in memory.
Finally, it will be sent to our displays

Hardware and Software (Erica Gomez & Jerome)


Hardware are the things that we can see and touch inside the computers, like RAM, Graphic Card, keyboard, CPU and etc..
Software are things that can not be seen or touched, like programs or codes that running on the machines.