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Functions let you group a series of statements together to perform a specific task.

Calling Function

If you are going to ask the Pieces of information passed name,those statements will run. function to perform its task to a function are known as later, you need to give your parameters. You can also have anonymous function a name. That name functions. They do not have a should describe the task it is When you write a function and name, so they cannotbecalled. performing. When you ask it to you expect it to provide you Instead, they are executed as perform its task.


Some function need to be provided with information in order to achieve a given task.

Return Value

When you write a function and you expect it to provide you with an answer.


kindly see the below image to read more about the basic.

Basic Function

How to declare a function

To create a function, you give it a name and then write the statements needed to achieve its task inside the curly braces.

See the image below for more information


Calling a function

Having declared the function, you can then execute all of the statements between its curly braces with just one line of code.
see the below image for more information


Declaring functions that need information

Sometimes a function needs specific information to perform its task.
see the image below.


Calling function that need information
When you call a function that has parameters, you sepcify the calues it should use in the paranthese that follow its name.
see the below image for more information
