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Mahmoud Barghouthi

Hello, My name is Mahmoud and I am 27 years old. I studied Spanish and English in Jordan university. Among that time, I Used to work with Students’ Union in Media Team Sectionas a Video Editor for 3 goal in life is to gain knowledge and information about anything and improve myself in everything that I can as long as I breathe.

My basic skills in life is the following:
1. Browsing and searching skills.
2. Video editing.
3. Installation of Windows. Dealing with computer and its software and hardware
4. Basic information aboud Andriod Studio
5. Basic information about Photoshop
In the table below, you can see the topics that I have discussed and summarized during ASAC Internship:

Code 102 Reading Notes

No. topics Title
read 01 Growth and Fixed Mindset
read 02 Version Control with GIT
read 03 HTML & CSS
read 04a JavaScript and Jquery
read 04b How computers work
read 05 Comparison and logical operators
read 06 Programming with JavaScript
read 07 Introducing CSS & Colors
read 09 The Coder’s Computer

Code 201 Reading Notes

No. topics Title
class 01 Summerizing code 102
class 02 HTML Text, CSS , and Basic JavaScript
class 03 HTML Lists, and the CSS Box Model
class 04 HTML Links, JS Functions, and Intro to CSS Layout
class 05 Images, Color, Text
class 06 Problem Domain, Objects, and the DOM
class 07 Object-Oriented Programming, HTML Tables
class 08 Layout
class 09 Forms and Event
class 10 Error Handling and Debugging
class 11 Assorted Topics
class 12 Chart.js, Canvas
class 13 Local Storage
class 14a CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Animations
class 14b What Google Learned About Teams


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